65 +Years History

About Us

The School of Electronics and Information

The School of Electronics and Information at Northwestern Polytechnical University (NPU) was established in May 2003, whose predecessor is the Department of Electronic Engineering founded in 1958. In 1970, the Air Weapons Control Specialty and the Air Weapons design Specialty of the Air Force Engineering Department in Harbin Military Industry University were incorporated into this department. With the new development philosophy, we’ll build the first-class School of Electronics and Information at a new stage.
The school has engaged in the National Science and Technology Major Project, the Weapons and Equipment Model Project, the National Defense Basic Scientific Research and Advanced Research Project, National 863 Project and 973 Project...

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  • The School of Electronic Information went to Kazakhstan to pa...11-07
  • In May, 2023, during the first China-Central Asia Summit, Northwestern Polytechnical University and Ali Farabbi Kazakhstan St...

  • The School of Electronics and Information held an innovation ...11-07
  • On October 14th, The School of Electronics and Information held a grand forum to celebrate the 85th anniversary of its foundi...

  • Cambridge Deep Reinforcement Learning Programme05-12
  • Course Topic:Deep Reinforcement Learning, Convolutional neural networks, Generative adversarial networks and transformersCour...

  • 【Summer Project】 Notice of Registration for the Summer Proj...05-12
  • 1.IntroductionMoscow Aviation Institute was established in 1930. During the Soviet period, it won the Lenin Medal and the Oct...

    Faculty And Staff
