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Featuring aerospace manufacturing, intelligent manufacturing, high-end equipment and micro-electromechanical system technology, the School has carried out scientific research and made important progress in response to primary national strategic needs. More than 600 million yuan of scientific research funds and 170 million yuan of commercialization of scientific and research findings were invested in the 13th Five-year Plan. Three papers were published in Nature series and PNAS. Three persons won the "National Hundred Excellent Doctoral Dissertations Award" or nomination award.

Four undergraduate majors including aircraft manufacturing engineering, mechanical manufacturing and automation, micro-electromechanical system engineering and industrial Design, have been top-ranked among the mechanical colleges in China. All 6 undergraduate majors have been approved as first-class majors in Shaanxi Province.

The main category of intelligent manufacturing is fully covered by first-class majors, with the completion of training programs and instructional teaching plans. The discipline of mechanical engineering has successfully passed the mid-term assessment and it is ranked 10th in the World University Discipline Rankings by 2020 US News. In the meantime, the Party Committee of the school organized and completed composing the fourth round of subject evaluation materials of the Ministry of Education. It has been approved as the key discipline of intelligent manufacturing of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, as well as the national defense characteristic discipline of aerospace manufacturing engineering and mechanical and electronic engineering, gradually forming the preponderance and characteristics of the discipline. Mechanical engineering and aerospace science and technology (aerospace manufacturing engineering) are admitted into the rank of key construction of world-class disciplines.

“3+2” student joint engineer program with INSA-Lyon.
