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Professor Daniel Rouseff of the University of Washington Visits School of Marine Science and Technology

Hits:Date:December 6, 2018

Invited by the associate professor from the Department of Acoustic and Information Engineering, Feiyun Wu, the IEEE Fellow and the professor in the Laboratory of Applied Physics in the University of Washington, Daniel Rouseff, has come and visited School of Marine Science and Technology, NPU from November 28, 2018 to November 30, 2018.

During his visit, Prof. Rouseff gave two academic reports, which are respectively “Ocean Internal Waves and How They Affect Acoustic Array Processing” and “Physical-Layer Modeling for Underwater Sensor Networks”. On account of the professionality of the content, the reports attracted a great number of facultiesandstudents from SMST, and the academician Yuanliang Ma’s attendance made such discussion more fascinating. In the first talk, Prof. Rouseff argued that “physical-layer models need not always be complicated. Relatively simple models can sometimes capture the essential physics and distill the results into a form useful for adjusting the parameter of an equalizer”, while in the second, he declared that “two specific acoustic array-processing problems are studied: the spatial coherence of horizontal array, and the directivity of ambient noise as observed on a vertical array ”.

After Prof. Rouseff’s excellent talks and the inspiring communication with the audiences, academician Ma expressed his warm welcome to Prof. Rouseff again. They exchanged views on both the academic research and the further cooperation between two schools. Surrounded by faculties and students’ enthusiasm, Professor Daniel Rouseff finished his visit.
