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李向华 副教授








  1. C. Gao, Y. Fan, S. H. Jiang, Y. Deng, J. M. Liu*, andX. H. Li*, “Dynamic Robustness Analysis of a Two-Layer Rail Transit Network Model,”IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems (IF: 6.319, JCR 1, CCF-B),vol. 23, no. 7, pp. 6509-6524, 2022.[BibTeX]|[PDF]|[Code]

  2. Z. Wang, C. Y. Wang,X. H. Li*, C. Gao, X. L. Li*, and J. Y. Zhu, “Evolutionary markov dynamics for network community detection,”IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering (IF: 9.235, JCR 2, CCF-A), vol. 34, no. 3, pp. 1206-1220, 2020.[BibTeX]|[PDF]

  3. X. H. Li, X. Y. Zhen, X. Qi, H.C Han, L. Zhang, and Z. Han, “Dynamic community detection based on graph convolutional networks and contrastive learning,”Chaos, Solitons and Fractals(IF=9.922, JCR 1), vol. 176, p. 114157, 2023.[BibTeX]|[PDF]

  4. L. Cheng,X. H. Li*, Z. Han, L. B. Ma, and P. C. Zhu, “Path-based multi-sources localization in multiplex networks,”Chaos, Solitons and Fractals(IF=9.922, JCR 1), vol. 159, p. 112139, 2022.[BibTeX]|[PDF]

  5. J. Y. Zhu,X. H. Li*, C. Gao, Z. Wang*, and J. Kurths, “Unsupervised community detection in attributed networks based on mutual information maximization,”New Journal of Physics (IF=3.729, JCR 2), vol. 23, p. 113016, 2021.[BibTeX]|[PDF]|[Code]

  6. X. H. Li, X. Qi, X. J. Liu, C. Gao, Z. Wang, F. Zhang, and J. M. Liu, “A discrete moth-flame optimization with an L2-norm constraint for network clustering,"IEEE Transactions on Network Science and Engineering (IF: 5.033, JCR 2), vol. 9, no. 3, pp. 1776-1788, 2022.[BibTeX]|[PDF]

  7. X. H. Li,X. Y. Wu, Z. Luo, Z. W. Du, Z. Wang, and C. Gao, “Integration of global and local information for text classification,”Neural Computing and Application (IF: 5.102, JCR 2), vol. 35, no. 3, pp. 2471-2486, 2023.[BibTeX]|[PDF]

  8. X. H. Li, Y. Deng, X. S. Yuan, Z. Wang, and C. Gao, “Data-driven behavioral analysis and applications: A case study in Changchun, China,”Physica A (IF: 3.778, JCR 2), vol. 596, p. 127164, 2022.[BibTeX]|[PDF]

  9. X. H. Li, Z. Wang, C. Gao, and L. Shi, “Reasoning human emotional responses from large-scale social and public media,”Applied Mathematics and Computation (IF=2.300, JCR 2, ESI),vol. 310, pp. 182-193, 2017.[BibTeX]|[PDF]


  1. 国家自然科学基金面上项目(No. 62271411),多模态虚假信息检测与溯源关键理论与技术研究,2023.1-2026.12, 主持

  2. 陕西省自然科学基础研究计划项目(No. 2022JM-325), 基于时序网络的新型图表示学习方法及应用, 2022.1-2023.12, 主持

  3. 国家自然科学基金重点项目(No.11931015), 数据驱动的行为决策理论、实验及应用研究, 2020.1-2023.12, 参与


  • 每年均招收博士生、硕士生、本科生从事人工智能优化算法、大数据分析、数据驱动的仿真建模研究。请通过邮件联系具体事宜,并附上个人简历。
