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Guanghua Cheng, Professor

Personal Profile

Guanghua Cheng, Professor

Scholar Homepages: [NWPU]

Research Direction:His current research interests include ultrafast laser machining and processes, high power solid laser technique and interaction between ultrafast laser and mater, nonlinear optics.

Contact Address: P.O. Box 64, 127 West Youyi Road, Beilin District, Xi'an 710000, Shaanxi, P.R. China

Zip Code: 710072

E-mail: guanghuacheng@nwpu.edu.cn

Education Background

  • 1999-2004 Doctoral degree in natural sciences, XIOPM, CAS

  • 1995-1999 Physics department, Northwest University, China

Work Experience

  • 2019-now, Professor at Northwestern Polytechnical University, China

  • 2009-now, Visiting Professor at Laboratoire Hubert Curien, Université Jean Monnet, France

  • 2011- 2018, professor at XIOPM, CAS, China

  • 2008-2009, Post-Doc at Université Jean Monnet, France

  • 2004-2010, association professor at XIOPM, CAS, China

Project coordination

  • Coordinator and principal investigator of the National Natural Science Foundation of China from 2014 to 2017 and from 2018 to2021

  • Coordinator and principal investigator of the Major scientific instruments of Ministry of Science and Technology of China from 2014 to 2017

  • Coordinator and principal investigator of the Major scientific instruments of the National Natural Science Foundation of China from 2015 to 2019

Academic Service

  • Reviewer:Opt. Rev., Sci. rep., Optics Express, Optics Materials Express, Applied Surface Science, Applied Physics A, Applied Physics B, Chinese Physics Letters, Chinese Optics Letters, Journal of Quantum Electronics

  • The Project Manager of Chinese Post-doctoral foundation, Chinese National Natural Science Foundation, and Canada Natural Science and engineering Foundation

  • The Project Manager of Entrepreneurship Program and National Natural Science Foundation of Fujian

  • Editor:Chinese Journal of Laser

  • Co-chair of The annual International Symposium on Laser Precision Microfabrication (LPM2016)

Representative Papers

  • Guodong Zhang,Guanghua Cheng, M. Bhuyan, C. D’Amico, Yishan Wang and R. Stoian,Photonics Research, 7(7), 2327 (2019)

  • G. Zhang,G. Cheng, M. Bhuyan, C. D’Amico, and R. Stoian, "Efficient point-by-point Bragg gratings fabricated in embedded laser-written silica waveguides using ultrafast Bessel beams,"Opt. Lett.43, 2161-2164 (2018)

  • G. Cheng,A. Rudenko, C. D'Amico, T. E. Itina, J. P. Colombier, and Razvan Stoian, “Embedded nanogratings in bulk fused silica under non-diffractive Bessel ultrafast laser irradiation”,Appl.Phys. Lett.110, 261901 (2017)

  • 4)Guodong Zhang, Jing Bai, Wei Zhao, Kaiming Zhou, andGuanghua Cheng,"Interface modification based ultrashort laser microwelding between SiC and fused silica,"Opt. Express,25, 1702-1709 (2017)

  • S. Minardi,G. Cheng,C. D’Amico, and R. Stoian, "Low-power-threshold photonic saturable absorber in nonlinear chalcogenide glass,"Opt. Lett.,40, 257-259 (2015)
