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NPU 2020 International Students Admission Q & A

Date:2020-03-16 Click:

第一部分 常见问题

Part 1 General Questions

Q1: 2020年招生报名会因为疫情推迟进行吗?

Will the 2020 admission programs be delayed because of COVID-19?


No, all the 2020 admission programs are proceeding normally.


What is the deadline for application?





April 15, 2020 for CSC Scholarship application

May 15, 2020 for NPU President Scholarship application(Undergraduate Program: June.15th,2020)

June 30, 2020 for self-funded and non-degree application


What if I cannot register in September because of COVID-19 on time?


We will announce the way of registration according to the administration policies. Please follow up when we announce new notice.


Where can I find the majors NPU provides for international students?


1. 2020学年西北工业大学国际学生本科专业-Majors for bachelor.docx

2. 2020学年西北工业大学国际学生硕士专业-Majors for Master.docx

3. 2020学年西北工业大学国际学生博士专业-Majors for Ph.D.docx


Please go to the official website of International College of NPU. Choose “Supporting Categories” - “Masters” - “2020 Northwestern Polytechnical University Postgraduate Program for International Students”, and scroll down to the bottom of the page. There are attachments:

1. 2020学年西北工业大学国际学生本科专业-Majors for bachelor.docx

2. 2020学年西北工业大学国际学生博士专业-Majors for Ph.D.docx

3. 2020学年西北工业大学国际学生博士专业-Majors for Master.docx

You could select the relative document according to the program you are applying.


Students from which countries are supposed to provide the non-criminal record? And what is the requirements for that?


According to different policies, countries that need to provide the non-criminal record are also changing. At the beginning of the application, if there is no criminal record, applications can also be submitted. Later, if we need additional documents, we will communicate by email in time. At that time, please provide the Chinese / English version of the non-criminal record notarized by the local government and valid for 5 months (Chinese / English translation is required for other languages).


Is there any need of sending print copy of all documents and applications via courier?


No, we has begun the full implementation of online application. Applicants only need to fill the information and upload the required and qualified documents in our online application system.


How to do the interview?


First of all, we only require interview for scholarship applicants and other specific applicantsand both online and offline interview are included. For offline interview, interviewees should come to NPU Youyi campus; for online interview, we use Skype for video interview. All the details will be announced by email after documents check.


I am doing my current study and will be graduating around June 2020. Can I apply by using the pre-graduation certification?


Yes. Prospective diploma recipients must submit official document issued by your current university/school to prove your current student status or expected graduation date.

Q9:我之前的课程学习是英文授课,我有学校开具的英语水平证明,可以用它代替雅思,托福等英语水平证明么?My previous curriculum was in English medium and I have the English certificate from my university/school. Can I use it instead of IELTS or TOFEL result?

A:不可以。我校不接受学校开具的英语水平证明,学生必须提供有效的符合入学要求的雅思,托福,GREPTE学术考试,剑桥国际A LEVEL英语课程成绩。若申请人为合作高校或组织推荐学生,或者由于疫情无法申请语言考试,请通过邮箱联系我们,经过招生办公室认定,可最晚在秋季学期报到时提供语言成绩。No, we do not accept the university-level/school-level English certificate. Applicants must provide the valid and eligible result of IELTS, TOFEL, GRE, PTE or Cambridge international Advanced level (English subject). If applicants who are recommended by the cooperative universities/organizations or unable to apply for the language test due to the epidemic situation, please contact us by email. After the confirmation of the Admission Office, the language certificate can be provided no later than the registration time for the autumn semester.


I want to apply for undergraduate/postgraduatedo you have the spring semester intake?


Nowe do not have the spring semester intake for degree students. The academic year starts at the end of August or the middle of September every year for degree students.


For undergraduate applicants, please check part 2; for graduate applicants, please check part 3; for non-degree applicants, please check part4.

第二部分 本科生入学相关问题

Part 2About Undergraduate Admissions


Can undergraduate applicants apply for Chinese Government Scholarship (CSC scholarship)?


Yes. However, undergraduate degree applicants can only apply for Chinese government scholarship - bilateral scholarship program (offered by local Chinese embassies). The program requires students to take classes in Chinese medium, and before learning of major courses, students can have one year's Chinese study in designated Chinese universities. For the independent admission program of Chinese government scholarship, our university only supports postgraduate study. If you meet the requirements of scholarship application, please select NPU President Scholarshipfor English medium.


What is the difference among NPU President Scholarship excellence type/full prize/half prize?


For undergraduate program, excellence scholarship winners will be provided tuition and dorm, with a monthly subsidy of 1500 RMB; the full prize scholarship winners will be provided tuition; the half scholarship winners will be provided half tuition. We offer very limited excellence scholarships to excellent undergraduate applicants. The types of scholarships that students apply for only represent their personal wishes. After the interview, we will inform students whether they have received scholarships and the types of scholarships.


Will the scholarship cover 4-year study?


No. Scholarships are reassessed every year, and students who fail too many courses or violate the rules and regulations will be cancelled. Of course, excellent students also have the opportunities to upgrade scholarships.

第三部分 硕博生入学相关问题

Part 3About Postgraduate Admissions


Is the Acceptance Letter from one of the professors of NPU mandatory for application? Where can I find the supervisor information?


The acceptance letter is one of the mandatory documents for Master and Ph.D. programs applications (No need for bachelor). For the professors list of 2020 Application, please check our official website.

硕士导师列表(Supervisor List for 2020 Master Application)http://gjjyxy.nwpu.edu.cn/info/1371/5423.htm

博士导师列表(Supervisor List for 2020 Ph.D. Application)http://gjjyxy.nwpu.edu.cn/info/1372/5424.htm


Is the recommendation letter mandatory for application?


Yes. Two letters of recommendation by Professors or associate Professors are the mandatory documents for Master and Ph.D. programs applications. The documents need to be in Chinese / English.


Do I need to apply in NPU University Application System if I intend to apply for Chinese Government Scholarship?


Yes. Every student who would like to apply for NPU needs to complete the application in NPU Application System, including the CSC Scholarship applicants.


Do the CSC Scholarship applicants need to pay the application fee of 600 CNY?


Yes. The applicants who apply for CSC Scholarship need to complete the application on both CSC website and NPU online application system. We require 600 CNY for completion of the application and it is non-refundable.


I am applying for CSC Scholarship. Where can I upload my CSC application form in NPU application system?


You could upload your CSC application form in the section ofOther certificates or documents.


Why is my status in CSC system for NPU still submitted, while for other university it is in progress? What does that mean?


We will review your application first in the NPU application system. We will select the qualified applications and put these students in the interview list. After the interview, we will make the decision that whether you would be admitted and rewarded the scholarship. This decision will be made about two weeks after the deadline of the application of CSC, which will be two weeks after April 15th. We will announce the nomination list of our NPU CSC Scholarship. Then we will report this list to the China Scholarship Council (CSC). CSC will review your application materials again and make the final decision that whether you would be awarded the scholarship and which university you will be admitted. Then we will announce the final results.


Does the NPU President Scholarship provide the off-campus allowance?


No, NPU President Scholarship only provides the on-campus dormitory. CSC Scholarship provides the off-campus allowance.

第四部分 非学历生入学相关问题

Part 4 About non-degree admissions


When can I apply for the Chinese language program or International foundation program?


At present, the fall semester application system for the Chinese language program and the International foundation program is open. Students can apply online at any time. The deadline for online application is June 30, 2020.


What are the application requirements for the Chinese language program and International foundation program?


There is no language proficiency requirement for Chinese language program and zero-base International foundation program, but applicants need to have high school graduation certificate or above. More requirements please checkhttp://gjjyxy.nwpu.edu.cn/new/zs/hyxm.htm.


I have learned some Chinese, and I want to improve it, so how can I apply?

A:在项目申请阶段,依然选择汉语言项目(Chinese Language Program),待入学报到以后,汉语中心将根据申请人的实际汉语水平进行测试,分班。

In the application phase, you still need to choose the Chinese Language Program. After registration, NPU Chinese Language Center will conduct a test and divide classes according to your actual Chinese proficiency.


Can I get a scholarship to study Chinese language?


For the Chinese language program and International foundation program, students can apply for Xi'an City “The Belt and Road” International Students Scholarship, which requires the learning period is up to one academic year. The scholarship can only be granted after passing the interview organized by NPU.


Due to the current situation of COVID-19, what should I do if I have been admitted but cannot register on time?


We will keep position for new students who have been enrolled in the Chinese language program in the spring till the fall semester. The admissions office will help to reverse the JW202 form and related admission documents.


After getting admitted, do I need to reserve the dormitory? Can I live off campus?


There is no need to make the dormitory reservation. NPU Chinese Language Center will uniformly allocate the dormitory for all freshmen after registration. Off-campus accommodation is generally not allowed without special circumstances.


Contact us

admission@nwpu.edu.cn(本科生项目undergraduate admission

internationalcollege@nwpu.edu.cn(硕博生项目postgraduate admission

ex.ifp@nwpu.edu.cn(非学历生项目non-degree program admission

Important notice:



We offer we-chat group consulting service for NPU applicants, please contact us by email to get the we-chat QR code.

A beautiful wish to you and your family!


Look forward to seeing you soon at NPU,China!



Admission office,International college,Northwestern Polytechnical University.

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