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Xi 'an Key Laboratory of Chip Security

Date:2022-12-12 Author:GUO Qili Click:
审稿人 Mu Dejun

Xi 'an Key Laboratory of Chip Security was approved and established by Xi 'an Science and Technology Bureau in November 2021. The laboratory meets national needs and modernization, it applies chip security detection technology and detection tools to domestic processor design, autonomous cryptographic algorithm design, and independent network processor chip design, escorting the security and controllability of autonomous chips. The establishment of the laboratory will further promote the discipline construction, scientific research and talent training of the School of Cyberspace Security, and also promote the industrialization of related technologies.

The laboratory has cooperated with the top international scientific research institutions for a long time in the files of integrated circuit chip security. It has carried out key technology research in the field of chip design security model, security quantitative evaluation index system, security formal verification and quantitative analysis, and automatic mining of security vulnerabilities, and it has obtained many international frontier scientific research achievements. Developed a chip design security verification and vulnerability detection tool with independent intellectual property rights, filled the domestic gap in this field, it also won two ministerial science and technology awards.
